If you can give an age, what age can you give to this person?
What is his status?
Who does he stay with?
Who else is in the family other than his mother and father?
By looking at this picture, who is he more likely to be attached with?
Where is the person at present, in this drawing?
In a shopping centre
If he is currently in a shopping centre, can you describe the place?
If he is currently in a shopping centre, can you describe the place?
In this drawing, what is he doing at the shopping centre
What is he holding in his hand?
By looking at this picture, what food is he buying?
Is that his own food?
In looking at the person, what emotion is he more likely to express in the way that he is standing?
Why is that?
By the way of this person is standing, how does he like to be seen by others in the society?
By the way of this person is standing, how does he like to be seen by others in the society?
How does he to be seen by his friends or by the people that is passing by?
In his line of work, what does he do?
In this drawing, what does he do as a technician?
How is he doing at his work place?
How is he doing with his colleagues?
In this picture, what is the thing that he likes most?
If there is anything that irritates frustrates him, what will that be?
In this picture, what will he do to minimize the problem?
If he has a chance to make a wish, what would that be?
Why is that?
How can that be better?
What does he want to do with the extra time?
By the way of this person is standing, i heard that he like his body the most, what is it about his body that he likes?
What can he do with his strong stable structure of his upper body?
Is there any part that he wishes to be different?
How can he do better with that?
In this picture, how can people treat him differently?
Is there anything that stand out to you, more than anything else?
What is it about the pocket?
How does that makes you feel comfortable?
In this picture, i heard that de would love people to listen to his needs, why is that?
If you look at the picture again, if there was a word or a phase that you associate in creating a title what will it be?
Any thoughts that you want to relate to your drawing?
Duration: 55 minutes
With more practices, I realised that I need to twist some of the questions in order to get more details.
I tried to gather as much projections, emotions, metaphors (body part as this is a DAP test)
Answers can be seen at Melinda's blog.